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Access thousands of Independent Social Ambassadors At-Once

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7 years ago
LET'S START WITH THE FACTS. When it comes to driving sales to an online brand, nothing beats word-of-mouth marketing and referrals. This isn't just common sense; we have the facts to back it up. "92% OF CONSUMERS WILL BELIEVE A RECOMMENDATION FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY OVER ANY OTHER TYPE OF ADVERTISING." BRAND AMBASSADORS HUMANIZE YOUR PRODUCT According to the New York Times, 65% of all new business comes from referrals. That means on average, two-thirds of consumers make purchases because someone they know recommended a particular product or service. BRAND AMBASSADORS ARE YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION The Word of Mouth Marketing Association reports that every day in the United States, there are approximately 2.4 billion brand-related conversions. People frequently talk about the products and services they enjoy, and the companies who offer them. Hire Ambassador, A Marketplace, Word-of-Mouth Solution, let you Hire 1000s of people to promote your event, product or service At-Once!

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